Anniversary: 20 years of free access to the .dk-domain

20 years ago it became possible for everyone to register a .dk-domain, which we are celebrating today - 15th of January 2017. Earlier only so-called legal institutions as for instance companies could get access to a domain name on the Danish part of the internet - and they were only allowed to have one domain name each.

The liberalization of .dk meant that the amount of Danish domain names increased rapidly. January 1997 there were only 7.736 .dk-domain names registered. In the end of 1999 that number had grown to 140.000 and today there are 1,3 million .dk domain names.

Denmark as a frontrunner

Denmark was one of the first countries to give everyone access to register a .dk-domain and today there is almost one domain for every fourth Danish citizen. That is much more compared with the countries to whom we normally compare. For instance, there is only about one .no domain per eight Norwegian citizen and one .se domain per seventh citizen in Sweden.

DK Hostmaster and DIFO have administered the .dk-domain since 1999.

Did you know

  • A .dk domain name may have up to 63 signs between each dot and may be as long as 255 characters all in all
  • The average length of a Danish domain name is 14 signs
  • More than 10 percent of the .dk domain names start with the letter “s”
  • There are 6.657 .dk domain names starting with “dansk” (Danish)
  • 629 .dk domain names contain the word “sjov” (funny), but only 16 contain “kedelig” (boring)


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