Post-hearing brief about the fight against internet crime

Between June and August DIFO held a public hearing about the role of DIFO and DK Hostmaster in the fight against internet crime. Read the post-hearing brief, with an analysis of all of the responses received here (Danish only).

We have received responses from all sections of the internet community: public authorities, special interest groups, businesses and individuals – and we are very pleased.

We emphasise that all interests are heard in regard to the hearing’s three key topics:

  • Do we need a suspension board?
  • Better validation of registrants.
  • Release of data about registered domain names.

Disagreement within the internet community

The responses indicate that there is strong disagreement within the internet community about DK Hostmaster’s role in the fight against internet crime. Particularly on the establishment of a suspension board and use of NemID to validate users, there is both strong resistance and strong support.

It is widely acknowledged though, that internet users ought to be better protected against criminals who use .dk domains to commit fraud and trademark infringements on websites,

Our board of directors will now review the responses to the hearing and decide whether there is a need for DK Hostmaster to change its current practice in the three areas.

The decisions of the board of directors will be posted on the present website.

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