Significantly fewer scam web shops in the .dk zone

DIFO has reduced the number of scam web shops in the .dk zone by 85 %, from 3,075 in November 2017 to now 475, with a strengthening of identity checks to Danish and foreign customers.

"We can see that our efforts make the Danish zone even more secure. Online security is one of our motivating factors. So you, in other words, can trust domain names that end in .dk," says Jakob Bring Truelsen, Managing Director of DIFO

In November 2017, DIFO conducted an analysis that highlighted the problem with scam web shops within the .dk-zone. This showed that 3,075 active web shops were probably scam web shops. This corresponded to a 6.73% share of all active web shops in the .dk zone.

Since then, DK Hostmaster has implemented a sharpened identity check for Danish and foreign customers.

Subsequent, the analysis was repeated and it showed at the end of March 2018 that the share of .dk domain names suspected of being a scam web shop has been reduced to 1.03% of all active websites. This corresponds to a factual decline of 2,600 web shops that are suspected of being scam shops.

“We are the first domain administrator in the world that has taken this kind of action against the growing problem with scam web shops with enhanced ID control. We will continue the effort to stop this kind of cyper crime where we can and have the power. We will do everything we can to secure that Danish domain names are among the safest in the world” explains Jakob Bring Truelsen.


Data are from the report ”Analysis of Domains Suspected of Infringing Intellectual Property”, which is conducted for DIFO by EIT DK ApS / Henrik Bjørner

Read a summary of the report here

Read the full report here


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